Eastern Harbour City Traffic Investigations  

As part of various Rapid Appraisal and Integrated Transport Action Plan (ITAP) projects, TfNSW has identified 6 locations across metropolitan Sydney with elevated levels of site-specific risks. 

Ason Group was involved in conducting a comprehensive traffic study at these 6 locations, reaffirming the site-specific risks, conducting site investigations and surveys, undertaking traffic modelling, and providing recommendations for each study site. 

Further adding complexity to the project were the tight deadlines for assessment, requiring the scope of works to be completed within a compressed timeframe. Our experience, close relationship with traffic survey suppliers, proactive client communication, and comprehensive project management processes ensured the successful completion within the specified timelines. 

Our work included

  • Comprehensive data capture across a broad range of locations in Sydney, comprising classified intersection counts (CIC), queue length surveys (QL) and drone surveys.
  • Spatial analysis of crash data in QGIS to identify trends and patterns, and visualise it in an easily interpretable manner.
  • SIDRA modelling to evaluate the impact of proposed interventions and forecast the effectiveness of various improvement strategies.

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