North Ryde Urban Activation Precinct

Ason Group undertook the necessary assessments in support of the delivery of the North Ryde Station UAP. The project which was completed in 2018 included the development of 1,200 units across seven towers, retail and commercial floor space and approximately 1,000 parking spaces.

NSW State Governments Priority Precincts
The precinct formed part of the NSW State Governments Priority Precincts and represents a Transit Oriented Development with direct access to the North Ryde Metro station and pedestrian and cycle connections to the Lachlan’s Line development to the west of the site.

Working with Urban Growth and other relevant authorities for the design and delivery of relevant infrastructure including roads, pedestrian bridge and new signalised intersection with Delhi Road

Our work included

  • Preliminary technical advice in relation to concept proposals and UAP.
  • Future trip demand analysis for the precinct across multiple modes.
  • Strategic Transport Modelling of existing and future traffic flows to identify road network changes to accommodate the development noting its location within an “island site” and frontages to major regional roads including Epping Road, the M2 Motorway and Delhi Road.
  • An assessment of parking demand forecasts and to meet the needs of the development.
  • Development of a Draft Green Travel Plan for future development and implementation ensuring that the development meets the requirements of the relevant Council and Stage Government objectives.
  • Preparation of a detailed Construction Traffic Management. 

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